So simple it will take you no more than 5 minutes to get it into the oven...

...and then go do something else while the oven does the work for you.
For large parties pair with our American-Style Cole Slaw for your hit of veggies!
PREP TIME: 5 min
COOK TIME: 1 hour
1 sachet TASTE OF SANTA FE spice blend
3 TBSP (45ml) olive oil
2-3 TBSP (30-45 ml) honey
1 TBSP Worcestershire sauce
2.2 lbs (1 kilo) mini chicken drumsticks
Salt to season
3-4 TBSP (45 - 60 ml) water

Seasoned with salt and pepper
1) Preheat oven to 180C / 350F.
2) Add TASTE OF SANTA FE spice blend, olive oil, honey, and Worcestershire sauce to a large bowl and mix well to combine.
3) Season chicken with salt on both sides, add to the bowl and, using a wooden spoon, mix well to ensure all the chicken pieces are coated with the spice mixture.
4) Add 3-4 TBSP water to the bottom of an oven proof baking dish, then add the seasoned chicken (for crispy skin, arrange in a single layer and place chicken skin-side up).
5) Use a spatula to scrape out any sauce-remenants from the bowl and spoon that over the top of the chicken
6) Cook for 55 min in the oven, and then switch to the top heat (grill/broiler) and cook for 2-3 minutes to brown the top/crisp the skin.

Mix TASTE OF SANTA FE spice blend, olive oil, honey and Worcestershire sauce to form a paste.

Mix well to coat all the chicken pieces.

Its all ready to cook!

Eat it with your fingers, its yummy.
Garnish with fresh cliantro (coriander) transfer to a party platter, or individual snack plates and pass around (with napkins)! :-)

Recipe & Photo Credit: Cathy Menees
CHICKEN: make sure you use dark meat, as it's cooked in 30 min, but you can leave it longer to tenderise and develop flavours...which let's you be flexible on the timing (when the kids walk in, when your guests arrive...)
HONEY: Use 1-2 TBSP of honey if you like it spicy. Use 3 TBSP is you like it a bit sweeter. I like it both ways!
Plan 5 minutes to season the chicken with salt, mix it with the spice/oil/honey mixture, transfer to an oven dish and pour in the water.
For parties/buffets, pairing with American-Style Coleslaw means you can make your coleslaw a few days in advance to have on hand for this meal and others -your fresh veggies are sorted.
NEED A FEW MORE HOURS HANDS FREE? follow directions above, except cook at 120C for 2 hours.