From a simple side salads to exotic combinations of vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, beans and seeds, salads are a GREAT way to get loads of vitamins, minerals, fibre and protein into you in one tasty shot.
Make it a habit!
A good salad dressing makes ALL the difference in the world and can elevate some fairly bland vegetables (i.e. spinach, romaine, broccoli, cabbage, etc.) from boring, into something exciting.
I specifically designed these salads with 'sturdy' vegetables that can hold their crunch for days on end. So make a big batch, and keep it in the refrigerator all week!
Now you can always have something ready for lunch or at dinner that is FULL of all things good for you.
Do the work once, reap the benefits for days!!
There's a reason these ancient grains and pulses salads are becoming mainstream (i.e. not just for health food stores anymore) - they are delicious, they are filling, and they are nourishing. Do your body good - get this in you!
I guess this is just another way to say 'the opposite of sturdy'.
Make them and eat them straight away!
These delicious combinations can be served as a meal on their own, or an elegant side dish. Either way, they pack a big punch in both flavor and nutrients!
It-'s a win-win!

with goats cheese

with chopped spinach, red onion, celery and a yogurt dressing

kale with tomato, red onion, homemade croutons
EAT THIS: As mentioned in my bio, one of my passions is to follow the research on foods and figure out ways to get them into our everyday diets. Things like seeds, sprouts, onions, grains, beans, lentils, and any colorful veggies. Salads are one of the best ways I know to pack A LOT of nutrients into one bowl. And if you have picky eaters in the house, you can disguise a lot of great things in a salad when the dressing is super yummy.
THE GOOD FATS: My salad dressings are not fat free, and that is on purpose! So many vegetables (especially the dark green kind like spinach, kale and broccoli) are full of vitamins that are fat soluble, meaning, you need the presence of fat in order for your body to absorb and take advantage of their goodness. And when you’re “living the lekker life”, you’re not eating a bunch of saturated fats anyway, so you actually need the fats and omega 3 essential fatty acids that will come from the various plant oils, nuts and seeds!
THE BAD FATS: Sometimes a little mayonnaise goes a long way. While I tend to use plain yogurt and olive oil in place a mayonnaise, some coleslaws are just a bit better with a tiny amount of mayonnaise. So, don't think you need to be perfect all the time...that's far too boring!!