I lived for 10 years in Colorado, where a strong influence of flavors from Mexico is passed up through the southwest states. It’s a flavor combination that I both crave and miss living in Europe. So I make my own, easy-peasy! Plain yogurt takes the place of sour cream as you get more bang for your ingredient buck in terms of fresh, zingy taste, lower in saturated fat, and with gut-busting bacteria that keeps your digestive health on track (ahem)!

PREP TIME: 10 min
MAKES: 1 ½ cups (360 ml) dressing
KEEPS: 10-14 days in refrigerator*
½ cup (120 ml) olive oil
½ cup (110g/120ml) Greek or plain yogurt
½ cup, packed (20 g) cilantro (coriander)
2 Tbsp (15 g) diced red onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp lime juice
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp red pepper flakes

Wiz all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth.
Super Foods Salad of mixed leaves, avocado, tomato, green onion, black quinoa, toasted pumpkin seeds and radish sprouts.

Perfect dressing for your Weekday Bean & Brown Rice Burritos
Recipe & Photo Credit: Cathy Menees
Plain yogurt in Europe is more runny and smooth than the plain yogurt sold in most US grocery stores. So if using Greek yogurt or a thick yogurt that nearly stands on it's own, expirament with thinning it out with a bit of milk or water.
STORING: Our refigerator is set to 3 Celsius, which is about 37 Fahrenheit. At that temperature, and stored in a caraffe with a tight-fitting lid, this dressing lasts easily 2 weeks.
*Refrigerators and storage containers vary, so just observe your own to get a feel for how long it will last. You will know by the smell (or growning mold) when something is not right!
KITCHEN BUDDIES: A good food processor, blender or nutribullet is neccesary to get the smoothness you want from a salad dressing made with fresh (vs dried) herbs and aromatics. If you don't have one, then better have a sharp knife and don't be afraid to be happy with a slightly lumpy will still taste great!